2022년 11월 2일 수요일

PlasticRecycling, 플라스틱재활용-2022 The Plastic Recycling Market/야노경제연구소

 <일본시장조사보고서>2022 The Plastic Recycling Market(영문판)

자료코드: C64114020 / A4 275 / 2022. 09. 28 

The objective of this report is to understand government policies and current market trends for plastics in the EU, the US, and Japan, as well as the business development of plastic recycling companies and manufactures, plant/facility trends.

The report will also examine the adoption of recycled plastics by application field, such as beverages, containers and packaging, and automotive, to understand current and future trends in the plastics recycling market.


Objective:The objective of this report is to understand government policies and current market trends for plastics in the EU, the US, and Japan, as well as the business development of plastic recycling companies and manufactures, plant/facility trends.

The report will also examine the adoption of recycled plastics by application field, such as beverages, containers and packaging, and automotive, to understand current and future trends in the plastics recycling market.

Research Subjects:Material recycling companies, chemical recycling companies, chemical manufacturers, plastic users (automotive, package, beverages), research institutes

Research Methodology:

Primary Research (Company interviews)

Secondary Research (Desktop Research)

Research Period:April 2022 ~ September 2022

◆자료 포인트

• Covers the EU, US, and Japanese recycling Market.

• Market forecast until 2030 for Mechanical and Chemical Recycling in the EU, US, and Japan

• Concise reports on major chemical manufacturers, recyclers and plastic users, as well as industry association (Face-to-Face interview conducted)

• Covers European, US, Japanese recyclers and chemical manufacturers' trends

• Covers the mechanical recycling market (companies, reycling scheme, etc) in the EU, US, Japan

• Covers the chemical recycling market (companies, recycling scheme, etc) in the EU, US, Japan

• Recycling trends in the Automotive and Packaging industry

리서치 내용

Chapter1 Outlook on the Plastic Recycling Market

1. Outlook on the Plastic Recycling Market

  Plastic Waste Volume and Breakdown in the EU, US, and Japan

  Comparison Between Mechanical and Chemical Recycling

  Plastic Waste Flow

  Plastic Recycling Market Size in the EU (2022 -2030 Forecast)

  Plastic Recycling Market Size in the US (2022 -2030 Forecast)

  Plastic Recycling Market Size in Japan (2022 -2030 Forecast)

  Challenges and Solution in Plastic Recycling

  Plastic Contribution to the SDGs

Chapter2 External Environment Surrounding Plastic Recycling

2-1 External Environment Surrounding Plastic Recycling

  2-1-1. External Environment  Surrounding Plastic Recycling

    Summary of List of Wastes Banned for Export to China

    Status of Import Restrictions on Plastic Waste in Asian Network

    Participating Countries

    Plastic Waste Amendments in the Basel Convention

  2-1-2. Situation in Europe Surrounding Plastic Recycling

    Four Key Points to Focus on Introduced in the New CEAP 2020

    Key Actions Taken Under the EU Plastics Strategy

    Specific Measures in the SUP Directive

    Items and Regulations Subject to SUP Directive

    EU Milestones Related to Plastics

    Overview of Policies Related to Plastics in the EU

    Plastic Waste in Europe by Treatment Method

    Plastic Waste by Treatment Method in the EU

    Plastic Waste Volume by Application in Germany for 2019

    Waste Collection Scheme in Germany (Plastic Packaging)

    Waste Collection Scheme in Italy (Plastic Packaging)

    Waste Collection Scheme in France (Plastic Packaging)

    Waste Collection Scheme in Spain (Plastic Packaging)

  2-1-3. Situation in the US Surrounding Plastic Recycling

    Plastic Waste by Treatment Method in the U S (chart)

    Plastic Waste by Treatment Method in the US (graph)

  2-1-4. Situation in Japan Surrounding Plastic Recycling

    3R+Renewable Set in the Resource Circulation Strategy for Plastics

    Milestones Set Forth in the Resource Circulation Strategy for Plastics

    Japan’s Resource Circulation Strategy for Plastics

    The Japanese Plastic Resource Circulation Act

    Plastic Waste by Treatment Method in Japan (chart)

    Plastic Waste by Treatment Method in Japan (graph)

Chapter2 External Environment Surrounding Plastic Recycling

2-2 Laws and Regulations on Waste Management

  2-2-1. Laws and Regulation on the Waste Management in the EU

  2-2-2. Laws and Regulation on the Waste Management in the US

    Legislations Related to Plastics in California

    Examples of State Restrictions on Plastics Related Products

  2-2-3. Laws and Regulation on the Waste Management in Japan

    Waste Categorization in Japan

Chapter3 Plastic Recycling Technology Trends

3-1 Mechanical (Material) Recycling

  3-1-1. Mechanical Recycling Trends in the EU

    Plastic Waste Treatment by Method in the EU

    Plastic Waste Treatment by Method in Major EU Countries

    Recycling Capacity by Resin Type in the EU

    PET Recycling in the EU Countries

    Applications of Recycled PET in the EU

    Recycling of HDPE/PP by Country in the EU

    Major End Applications and Volumes for rHDPE

    Major End Applications and Volumes for rPP

    PE Film Recycling Capacity in the EU Countries

    Estimate of Total Recycled Content Uptake in Various Products for LDPE

    Companies in the EU Engaged in Material/Mechanical Recycling

  3-1-2. Mechanical Recycling Trends in the US

    Plastic Waste Treatment by Method in the United States

    Recycled Plastic by Resin Type in the US

    Companies in the US Engaged in Material/Mechanical Recycling

  3-1-3. Mechanical Recycling Trends in Japan

    Plastic Waste Treatment by Method in Japan

    Material Recycling Breakdown by PCR/PIR (2011 -2020)

    Material Recycling Breakdown by Resin (2011 -2020)

    Material Recycling by PCR Applications (2011 -2020) (chart)

    Material Recycling by PCR Applications (2011 -2020) (graph)

    Companies in Japan Engaged in Material/Mechanical Recycling

Chapter3 Plastic Recycling Technology Trends

3-2 Chemical Recycling

  3-2-1. Chemical Recycling Trends

    Chemical Recycling Technology Overview

    Chemical Recycling Flow

    ACC’s Roadmap to Reuse

  3-2-2. Chemical Recycling Trends (Depolymerization)

    Companies in the EU and US Developing Depolymerization Technology

    Companies in Japan Developing Depolymerization Technology

  3-2-3. Chemical Recycling Trends (Pyrolysis)

    Companies in the EU and US Developing Pyrolysis Technology

    Companies in Japan Developing Pyrolysis Technology

  3-2-4. Chemical Recycling Trends (Gasification)

    Companies Developing Gasification Technology in Japan

    Companies Developing Gasification Technolog y in the US and Canada

Chapter4 Use of Recycled Plastic in Automotive and Packaging

4-1 Automotive Sector

  4-1-1. End-of-Life Vehicle Directive

    Recycle and Recovery Regulations Set Forth in the EU ELV Directive

    Key Points in the European ELV Directive

  4-1-2. End-of-Life Vehicle Generation

    ELV Waste Generated in EU and Major EU Countries (2015 -2019)

    Recovery and Reuse Rate of ELVs in the EU (2015 -2019)

    Recycling and Reuse Rate of ELVs in the EU (2015-2019)

  4-1-3. End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling Flow

    ELV Recycling Flow in the EU

    ELV Recycling Law in Japan

    Automotive (ELV) Recycling Flow

  4-1-4. Cases in the Use of Recycled Plastic in Automotive

  4-1-5. OEM Initiatives and Engagements

    EU/US OEM Initiatives and Engagements for Plastics

Chapter4 Use of Recycled Plastic in Automotive and Packaging

4-2 Packaging Sector

  4-2-1. Trends in the Recycling of Plastic Packaging

  4-2-2. Packaging Companies and Sustainability Initiatives

    EU/US Food/Non -Food Packaging Companies

Chapter5 Trends and Strategies by Companies

5-1. Anellotech Inc

  Anellotech Development Technology and Overview

  Plas-TCat™ "Base Case" Plastic Waste Composition

  Plas-TCat™ Yield and H/Ceff Ratio

5-2. Eastman Chemical Company

  PRT and CRT Compatible Resin Comparison

5-3. Plastic Energy Limited

  Plastic Energy's Chemical Recycling Technology Collaboration

  Plastic Energy Scheduled Plant Locations and Capacity

5-4. BASF SE

  BASF SE ChemCycling® Project

  BASF Plastic Recycling Loop

  Examples of recycled resin use by other companies via ChemCycling®

5-5. Mitsui Chemicals, Inc

  Mitsui Chemical Plastic Recycling Engagements

  Mitsui Chemicals Flexible Packaging Material Recycling Plant

  RePLAYER® - Renewable Plastics Layer System -

  ”RePLAYER® -Renewable Plastics Layer System -" Supporting Companies

5-6. Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

  Features and Overview of CR of Companies in Cooperation with MCC

  Mitsubishi Chemical Chemical Recycling Related Business Initiative

5-7. Sekisui Chemical Co., Ltd

  Sekisui Chemical Group Roadmap for Achieving Long -Term Targets

  Outline of Sekisui Bio Refinery Production Location

  Commercialization Plans for Bio Refinery Technology

  Sekisui Biorefinery Key Points of Technical Establishment in BR Technology

5-8. Renault

  Overview of Renault's Four Core Businesses in ReFACTORY

5-9. Suntory Beverage & Food Limited

  Suntory “2R+B” Strategy

  Suntory Beverage & Food's Major Initiatives in “Reduce”

  Suntory Beverage & Food's Major Initiatives in “Bio” Based

  Suntory’s Sustainable Bottle Product

5-10. Kirin Holdings Company, Limited

  Society of Plastic Circulation Envisioned by Kirin Group

  Kirin PET Bottle “Lightweight ” Evolution

5-11. PlasticsEurope Deutschland e.V

  Zero Emission Method Promoted by PlasticsEurope Deutschland

  Demand for Plastics in Major German Industries as % of Total Demand in 2021

  Composition of Demand by Resin in Germany for 2021

  Plastic Production Volume in Germany (2017 -2021)

  Plastic Waste Volume in Germany and Composition by Industry for 2019

5-12. Fraunhofer IWKS

  Goals Set Within the Waste4Future Project

  Plastic Wastes with "Optimization Potential" for Recycling in Germany

  Waste4Future Project Overview

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