<일본시장조사보고서>xEV MARKET 2020(영어판)
자료코드: C62120620 / A4 135p / 2020. 9. 28 /PDF만 제공
본 리포트는 2020년 7월말에 발간한 ‘2020년판 자동차용 리튬이온전지 시장의 현상과 장래 전망 1ST HALF REPORT'의 수록 내용에서 xEV 시장 동향만을 발췌한 재편집판 ‘2020년판 xEV시장의 현상과 장래전망’의 영어번역판이다.
Purpose:To thoroughly investigate the xEV-related policies and environmental regulations in Japan, U.S., Europe, and China and investigate the latest activities of major 7 automobile manufacturers to know the current status and future prospects of the global xEV market.
Target (based on direct interview):
Automobile manufacturers(Japanese 3, European 2, Chinese 1, Korean 1)
Method of research:Bibliographic survey and interviews conducted by our expert researchers
Period:May. 2020 - Jul. 2020
◆자료 포인트
• 세계 자동차의 전체 시장규모 추이와 xEV 시장규모 추이를 지역별로 산출
• 성장률이 다른 2개(시장 기준 예측·정책 기준 예측)의 시장규모 예측(대수 기준: 2016년~2025년 예측, 2030년 예측)
• 주요 자동차메이커의 전동화 전략을 정리
• xEV 관련 정책을 지역별로 게재
• 본 리포트는 ‘2020년판 xEV시장의 현상과 장래전망’의 영어번역판이다.
리서치 내용
Remarks on Research Results
Chapter 1: Hot Topics in the 1st Half 2020
Impact of COVID-19 on the xEV and xEV LiB market
Table: Comparison of forecasts in 2019 and 2020 1st half
(xEV market)
Table: Comparison of forecasts in 2019 and 2020 1st half
(xEV LiB market)
Chapter 2: xEV-related Policy Trends by Region
2-1: Global Trends
2-1-1. Regulatory Trends in Automobile Fuel Consumption
in Each Country
Table: Future plans for automobile fuel consumption
regulations in each country
2-1-2. Announcement/Declaration of ICE Sales Prohibition
in Each Country
Table: Announcement/declaration of ICE sales prohibition
in each country (as of July 2020)
Table: Announcement/declaration of ICE sales prohibition
in each city (as of July 2020)
2-1-3. EV Diffusion Plans in Each Country (Europe)
Table: EV diffusion plans in European countries
(as of July 2020)
2-1-4. Diffusion Status of Charging Infrastructure
in Each Country
Table: Comparison of public charging infrastructure
diffusion status by region (Japan/Europe/U.S./China)
2-1-5. Charging Standards in Major Countries
Table: Comparison of public charging infrastructure
diffusion status by region (Japan/Europe/U.S./China)
2-2: European Trends
2-2-1. Europe: Environmental Policy Trends
Table: 7 Policy Areas in the European Green Deal
Table: Target R&D fields and participating companies
for EU state subsidy towards the construction of
next-generation battery supply chains
2-2-2. Europe: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of passenger car emission regulations
in Europe (when the standard test mode is applied)
2-2-3. Europe: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of fuel consumption/CO2 regulations
in Europe (European CAFÉ regulations)
2-2-4. Europe: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: Overview of xEV diffusion policies in major
European countries
2-2-5. Europe: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
Table: The number of installed charging stations and
policies related to its development in major European countries
2-3: Chinese Trends
2-3-1. China: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in China
(gasoline and diesel vehicles)
2-3-2. China: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of fuel consumption regulations
in China (Chinese CAFÉ regulations)
Table: Fourth phase fuel consumption regulations and
company's average fuel consumption targets for passenger
cars in China
2-3-3. China: NEV Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of Chinese NEV regulation
2-3-4. China: Automobile Related Policy Trends
Table: Draft of Chinese NEV Industry Development Plan
2-3-5. China: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: Subsidy amount by the central government
according to pure electric running distance of passenger
cars (per vehicle)
2-3-6. China: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
Table: The number of installed charging stations and
policies related to its development in China
2-3-7. China: xEV Related Policies
Table: Principles and concepts of establishing EV
mandatory national standards in China
Table: Contents of the EV mandatory national standards
in China
2-4: Japanese Trends
2-4-1. Japan: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
Table: Exhaust gas regulations in Japan
(comparison between JC08 and WLTP mode)
Table: Vehicle types and operational regulations
based on exhaust gas regulations
2-4-2. Japan: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of fuel consumption regulations in Japan
2-4-3. Japan: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: Overview of eco-car tax break, green exceptions,
and CEV subsidies
2-4-4. Japan: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
Table: The number of installed charging stations and
policies related to its development in Japan
2-5: U.S. Trends
2-5-1. U.S.: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in U.S.
(gasoline and diesel vehicles)
Table: Overview of standard test mode (FTP) and
non-standard test mode (SFTP)
2-5-2. U.S.: Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: CO2 emission standards and equivalent fuel
consumption standards in U.S.
Table: Penalty when deviating from fuel consumption
regulations and privileges for vehicles with low
CO2 emissions
2-5-3. U.S.: ZEV Regulation Trends
Table: Definition of ZEVs and the list of automobile
manufacturers subject to the regulation from 2018
Table: ZEV credit required for LVM and IVM
2-5-4. U.S.: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: Purchase assistance for xEVs in the U.S.
2-5-5. U.S.: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
Table: The number of installed charging stations,
policies related to its development, and initiatives
by private business entities in U.S.
2-6: Trends in Other Regions
2-6-1. India: Exhaust Gas & Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of exhaust gas & fuel consumption
regulations in India
2-6-2. Brazil: Exhaust Gas Regulation Trends
Table: Overview of exhaust gas regulations in Brazil
2-6-3. India: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: Overview of FAME-India PHASE 2 in India
2-6-4. Brazil: Privilege Trends for xEVs
Table: IPI tax ratio for environmental vehicles in Brazil
2-6-5. ASEAN: Exhaust Gas & Fuel Consumption Regulation Trends
Table: Exhaust gas & fuel consumption regulations and
xEV diffusion policies in ASEAN countries
2-6-6. Other Regions: Charging Infrastructure Related Policies
Table: Charging infrastructure related policies in other regions
Chapter 3: xEV Market Trends
3-1: Global Trends of Automobile Market
3-1-1. Global Automobile Market - Production by Region
Table: Transition xEV production by region
(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-1-2. xEV Ratio in the Global Automobile Market
Table: Global vehicle production (ICE) vs. xEV production
(policy-based and market-based forecast)
- Composition ratio trends (CY2017~CY2025, CY2030)
3-2: xEV-related Activities of Automobile and Battery Manufacturers
3-2-1. Electrification Plans of Major Automobile Manufacturers
Table: Electrification Plans of Major Automobile Manufacturers
3-2-2. Efforts of Major Automobile & Battery Manufacturers
to Secure Resources
Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
to secure resources
Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
to obtain high-nickel cathode materials and reduce cobalt
Table: Efforts of major automobile & battery manufacturers
towards ethical purchase of materials
3-3: Global Trends of xEV Market
3-3-1. Calculation Conditions of xEV Market Scale
Table: Calculation conditions of xEV market scale
3-3-2. Global Production of Each xEV Category
(market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - Global production of
each xEV category(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-3-3. Global Production of Each xEV Category
(policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - Global production of
each xEV category(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4: xEV Market Trends by Region
3-4-1. Local Production of xEVs (market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - Local production of xEVs
(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-2. xEV Production of Each Category in EU
(market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in EU(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-3. xEV Production of Each Category in North America
(market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in North America
(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-4. xEV Production of Each Category in Japan
(market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in Japan (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-5. xEV Production of Each Category in China
(market-based forecast)
Table: Market-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in China (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-6. Local Production of xEVs (policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - Local production of xEVs
(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-7. xEV Production of Each Category in EU
(policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in EU (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-8. xEV Production of Each Category in North America
(policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in North America
(CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-9. xEV Production of Each Category in Japan
(policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of
each category in Japan (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-4-10. xEV Production of Each Category in China
(policy-based forecast)
Table: Policy-based forecast - xEV production of each category
in China (CY2016~CY2025, CY2030)
3-5: Trends of Automobile Manufacturers
3-5-1. Trends of Major Automobile Manufacturers
Table: Trends of major automobile manufacturers
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