2016년 6월 10일 금요일

인도네시아, 연포장, 연포장재료 - FLEXIBLE PACKAGING AND MATERIALS MARKETS IN ASIA 2015-2016 / 야노경제연구소

(2015-2016년판 아시아 연포장・재료 시장의 현상과 장래 전망)
자료코드 C57125920  / A4 102p / 2016.01.22
(PPT로 작성/PDF로만 판매)

The aim of this research is to understand current trends and future prospects of flexible packaging markets in Japan, China, ROK as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. We thoroughly researched the packaging of each country and current trends and future business plans of packaging materials manufacturers. Further, we researched official references of each company and had local research and interviews with related organizations.

The aim of research: The aim of this research is to understand current trends and future prospects of flexible packaging markets in Japan, China, ROK as well as Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. We thoroughly researched the packaging of each country and current trends and future business plans of packaging materials manufacturers. Further, we researched official references of each company and had local research and interviews with related organizations.
Research object: flexible packaging and its base films(OPP、CPP、PET、Ny), sealant films (CPP、LDPE、L-LDPE、EAV), high barrier materials (aluminum foil, PVDC coating film , EVOH film, PVA coating film, Ony film, transparent vapor deposition film, aluminized film), shrink label and modified atmosphere packaging
Research method: Direct interviews by professional researchers of Yano Research Institute and literature research
Research and analysis term: September 2015 to November 2015

◆본 자료의 포인트
• Catch up a half step ahead or a step ahead need for "packaging"
• Create a new market with comprehension and response to change of lifestyle, eating practices and distribution system.
Suggest a package which corresponds to future needs like easy opening, easy pouring and differentiate your products from others.
• Japan: New needs for foreigners arise due to the inbound demand and TPP participation.
Increasing importance to have global point of view in both innovation and marketing
• Korea: There is a movement to make domestic transparent vapor deposition film, but cost and quality is the challenge.
• China: VOC regulation and other environmental restrictions being reinforced, middle/small size packaging companies could be weeded out.
• Thailand: Localization of retort pouch for processed food products has been started
• Vietnam: Due to the participation in TPP, more global manufacturers of foods and daily products advanced to Vietnam.
• Indonesia: Modern retailing with 13% to 15% of yearly growth rate leads the expansion of flexible packaging market

◆리서치 내용

Chapter 1. Current Trends and Future Prospects of Flexible Packaging Materials Markets in Asia

Due to economic growth, domestic markets of China and Southeast Asian countries are expanding.
Increasing demand from middle and upper class consumers for high function/added value of flexible packaging.
The demand of packaging materials links to consumption of foods and daily products which are packed, distribution system, lifestyle and diet.
Need to compare and evaluate changes of population growth rate, growth rate of real GDP and purchasing power per capita of major countries as indicators of packaging material demand.
(Table) Changes of population growth rate
(Table) Changes of real GDP growth rate
(Table) Changes of GDP growth rate at PPP per capita(in current USD)
In Vietnam and Malaysia, member nations of TPP, entry of foreign companies to market is increasing owing to abolishment of tariffs and deregulation.
Entry expansion of flexible packaging materials manufacturers is expected due to economic regionalization and globalization such as TPP and AFTA.
(Table) The mega FTA composition surrounding Japan
Create a new market with comprehension and response to change of lifestyle, eating practices and distribution system.
Suggest a package which corresponds to future needs like easy opening, easy pouring and differentiate your products from others.
(Table) Response to needs half or one step ahead
(Table) Market circumstances related to packaging materials and needs to packaging materials in each country

Chapter 2. Current Trends of Flexible Packaging Materials Markets in Asia

2-1. Japan
In transparent vapor deposition film market where Japan holds the global share, the adoption as long storage and microwave use is increasing in Europe and US in stead of can/bottle.
(Table) Market size change of transparent vapor deposition film
New needs for foreigners arise due to the inbound demand and TPP participation.
Incresing importance to have global point of view in both innovation and marketing
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in Japan
(Table) GDP growth at PPP and GDP growth at PPP per capita in Japan

2-2. Republic of Korea
In ROK there are around 250 flexible packaging companies and its market size is 4 to 5 trillion won.
To have a further growth, originality in products and strong proposal skill for users is necessary.
(Table) Relation of major foods companies & flexible packaging companies in ROK
(Table) Main flexible packaging manufacturers in ROK and their features
Increasing number of people living alone and the aging society, the demand for retort pouch is growing.
Retort pouch has a low number of microwave cook type and boiling the pouch is common.
(Photos) Examples of retort pouch food (curry, black bean sauce)
(Photos)examples of retort pouch food
(Photos) examples of retort pouch for packing/packing for liquid
There is a movement to make domestic transparent vapor deposition film, but cost and quality is the challenge.
Development of related products and guaranteeing production volume will be the supporting factors for domestication.
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in ROK
(Table) GDP growth at PPP and GDP growth at PPP per capita in ROK

2-3. China
The number of Chinese packaging manufacturers is around 40,000~50,000 and within that only 5 companies have over billion yuan yearly sales.
(Table) Major flexible packaging manufacturers  in China and their features
VOC regulation and other environmental restrictions being reinforced, middle/small size packaging companies could be weeded out.
(Photos) Examples of various packing materials
Change of lifestyle and leisure population growth could lead to increasing adoption of retort pouch.
Necessary both to develop products and to suggest new package taking in Chinese food culture and lifestyle.
(Table) Changes of modern retailing stores by business type in China
Demand for EVOH with high gas-barrier and transparency expanded.
Flexible packaging manufacturers started to develop transparent vapor deposition films.
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in China
(Table) GDP growth at PPP and GDP growth at PPP per capita in China

2-4. Thailand
As domestic demand increases, foods and daily necessities market expands.
Foods and daily necessities are the main use of flexible packaging.
Foreign manufacturers like Fuji Ace Co., Ltd, Huhtamaki Ltd., and Amcor flexibles Bangkok PLC. occupy the flexible packaging market in Thailand.
(Table) Changes of sales volumes by major flexible packaging manufacturers
(Table) Main flexible packaging manufacturers and their features in Thailand
(Photos) Examples of various packaging materials
Export of processed foods, modern retailing and change of life styles are possible factors of market growth.
(Table) Changes of modern retailing stores by business type
(Photos) Traditional retailing markets & modern retailing stores in Thailand
(Photos) Street stalls & food products in convenience stores
It is very difficult to procure high-barrier films in Thailand.
It is a good opportunity for Japanese, barrier film manufacturers to cooperate with local manufacturers and supply materials in Thailand and other East Asian countries.
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in Thailand
(Table) GDP growth at PPP & GDP growth at PPP per capita in Thailand

2-5. Vietnam
Dongwon Systems (South Korea) bought Tan Tien Plastic Packaging and Minh Viet Packaging.
Utilizing both bases, Dongwon Systems make efforts on taking in Vietnamese domestic demand and on expanding exports.
(Table) Major flexible packaging manufacturers in Vietnam and their features
Due to the participation in TPP, more global manufacturers of foods and daily products advanced to Vietnam.
Flexible packaging grew with modern retailing and change in consumers' thinking.
(Table) Changes of modern retailing stores by business type in Vietnam
(Table) Major food companies in Vietnam: domestic companies
(Table) Major food companies in Vietnam: foreign companies
(Photos) Major big supermarkets in Vietnam
(Photos) Traditional retailing and convenience store
(Photos) Examples of various packaging materials
Compared with neighboring countries, packaging materials are not localized in Vietnam.
Especially barrier materials, base films and CPP sealant are required to be localized.
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in Vietnam
(Table) GDP growth at PPP & GDP growth at PPP per capita in Vietnam

2-6. Indonesia
Flexible packaging market volume is around USD 2.8 billion in Indonesia.
Expecting the expansion of domestic market, many manufacturers including those from different business sectors entered the Indonesian market.
(Table) Major flexible packaging manufacturers in Indonesia and their features
Composition rate of traditional and modern retailing based on sales volume is 75% and 25% in 2014.
Modern retailing with 13% to 15% of yearly growth rate leads the expansion of flexible packaging market.
(Photos) “pasar” and hypermarkets
(Photos) Supermarkets and minimarkets
(Photos) Examples of various packaging materials
There is an increase in customer demand for high-functions and performances and excellent design.
Considering potential of growth, it is very important to enter the market promptly.
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials
(Table) Population change and real GDP growth in Indonesia
(Table) GDP growth at PPP and GDP growth at PPP per capita in Indonesia

3. Company information

3-1. Republic of Korea
Lotte Aluminium Co.,Ltd.
Lotte Aluminium is the only manufacturer in the ROK to deal with packaging products from flexible packaging materials, CAN, PET, to corrugated cardboards. With the advantage of a total ability of proposals, it aims at expanding sales volume both for the domestic demand and export

With the stable consumer base, Youlchon Chemical aims at establishing a strong position in the ROK by expanding environmental-friendly packaging materials and developing products for various kinds of usage.

As a leading company of retort pouches, KSP seeks after sustainable growth by establishing a strong position in the ROK and expanding export to abroad.

Pursuing high-function, high added-value and environmental-friendly products, Wonji aims at being a Global Total Packaging Solution Company.
(Table) Summary of production bases of major flexible packaging manufacturers
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials

3-2. People's Republic of China
R&D technologies and achievements of Amcor Zhongshan are far ahead of other manufacturers.
In addition to the advantage, it is continuously expanding its business with the brand power.

HUANGSHAN NOVEL CO., LTD. (黄山永新股份有限公司)
As a leading manufacture of Chinese flexible packaging, Huangshan Novel is expanding its business by focusing on developing high-barrier films and high-strength but thin films.

As well as sales of bottle labels, Zhejiang Chancing puts efforts on stabilizing quality, improving after-sales service and proposing new products.

With advantage of coextruded-multilayer films and technical gas cooking system, Dongguan Wonderful concentrates on accommodating Chinese local demand.

Focusing on sales of PP shrink films and retort pouches, Langfang Zhongben is developing its business towards Chinese market with attractive designed packaging materials.

As a pioneer of Chinese flexible packaging, Dalian Dafu is well-known with its sales performance and technologies, and is now trying to acquire new customers.
(Table) Production Bases of Chinese major flexible packaging manufacturers
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials

3-3. Thailand
South East is delivering samples of retort pouches for export.
As well as pharmaceutical packaging materials, it is trying to shift to high value-added packaging materials.

Thai Film is a pioneer of BOPP films in Southeast Asia.
It is exploring a possibility of developing value-added products like high-barrier films for retort.
(Table) Summary of production bases of flexible packaging manufacturers

3-4. Vietnam
Being a top flexible packaging manufacturer in Vietnam, Tan Tien has started its business as an subsidiary of Dongwon Systems since October 2015.

As a Vietnam total packaging company, Liksin tries to expand domestic demand and export.

Tong Yuan is promoting to develop high value-added products such as flat bottom bags and retort pouches.

With its stable quality, punctuality of delivery and customer service, Ngai Mee is trying to strengthen marketing capacity in order to increase orders both from current and new customers.
(Table) Summary of production bases of major flexible packaging manufacturers
(Table) Procurement trends of flexible packaging materials

3-5. Indonesia
Utilizing technologies and know-how of letterpress printing, Indonesia Toppan is making efforts on developing packages meeting with local needs and costs, and on proposing potential packaging products.

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