2016년 5월 3일 화요일

인도네시아,식품기업,Indonesia - 인도네시아 식품기업 디렉토리 2015 /야노경제연구소

Food& Drink Products' Top Brand Directory in Indonesia, 2015
인도네시아 식품기업 디렉토리 2015 (영문판)
자료코드 J57100500/ A4 358p / 2015.08.25 

  ◆ 발행처

PT.CITRA CENDEKIA INDONESIA 자료는 서적으로만 판매되며 배송기간은 2~3 정도 소요됩니다.

  ◆ 목차
    The directory contains 358 pages and 290 companies is only available in the English edition.

Each company is unveiled its important data and information starting from :Name of Company / Full Address (Office & Factory) / Date of Establishment / Legal Status / Category / Permit (s) / Lines of Business / Brand Name / Capitalization / Shareholders / Total Investment / Bankers , Started Operation / Total Employees / Supervisory Board / Board of Management / Associated Companies and Remarks.

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