2016년 5월 4일 수요일

인도네시아, 제조기업, 인도네시아기업 - 인도네시아 제조기업 2013 (영문판) / 야노경제연구소

Indonesian Manufacturing Company, 2013
인도네시아 제조기업 2013 (영문판)
자료코드 J57102800 / A4 2,626p / 2015.08.25


「『YRI마켓리포트 등 판매규약』」의 제7항(저작권에 대하여)의 저작권자는 당사가 아닌 본 리포트의 발행회사로 바꿔 적용됩니다.

본 자료는 서적으로만 판매되며 배송기간은 2~3주정도 소요됩니다.

◆리서치 내용

The 2,626 page directory and consist of some 8,500 companies only available in the English edition.

The directory covers many kind of products which is produced by the companies such as described in the Index by Products below :
Agriculture & Plantation Products, Animal Feed, Feed Compound & Breeding Farm, Automotive, Bicycle & Component, Battery Products & Component, Building Material & Component, Cable & Wires, Ceramic, Marble, Asbestos & Cement Products, Chemical Products, Cigarette & Tobacco, Computer, Photographic Equipment & Component, Cooking Oil Product, Electric, Equipment & Component, Electronic, Telecommunication Equipment & Component, Foods, Beverages & Candies, Glass Products, Household Appliances & Furniture, Leather & Imitation Leather Products, Machinery, Heavy Equipment & Component, Medical, Health, Sport & Musical Instrument Metal & Steel Products, Paper, Carton,& Printing Products, Office Equipment, Stationery & Security Instruments, Packaging, Printing & Printed Matter, Paint, Coating & Ink, Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics, Plastic Products, Rubber Products, Tires & Tubes, Ship, Aero plane, Train & Component, Shoes, Sandals & Components, Textile & Textile Products, Wood & Rattan Processing and Others.

Each company profile is unveiled its important data and information starts from :
Name of Company / Full Address / Date of Establishment / Legal Status / Category / Permit (s) /
Lines of Business / Production Capacity / Capitalization / Shareholder (s) / Total Investment /
Bankers, Started Operation / Total of Employees / Supervisory Board / Board of Management /
Associates Companies and the Remarks.

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