2016년 5월 4일 수요일

인도네시아, 호텔, 호텔비즈니스 - 인도네시아 호텔 비즈니스시장 전망 2013-2017 (영문판) / 야노경제연구소

Study on the Prospect of HOTEL Business in Indonesia, 2013-2017
인도네시아 호텔 비즈니스시장 전망 2013-2017 (영문판)
자료코드 J57101600 / A4 390p / 2015.08.25


「『YRI마켓리포트 등 판매규약』」의 제7항(저작권에 대하여)의 저작권자는 당사가 아닌 본 리포트의 발행회사로 바꿔 적용됩니다.

본 자료는 서적으로만 판매되며 배송기간은 2~3주정도 소요됩니다.

​◆리서치 내용



Tourism Development
Visits by Foreign Tourists
Pattern of Visits
Modes of Transport
Purposes of Visit
Accommodations Used
Length of Stay
Distribution of Spending of Foreign Guests


Number of Hotels, Rooms and Beds
Number of Guests
Length of Stay of Guests
Room Rate
level of Usage Bed


DKI Jakarta Provice
  Number of Star Rated Hotels and Rooms
  Number of Guests
  Length of Stay
  Number of Room Occupied
  Occupancy Rate
  Projection of Number of Guests
  Projection of length of Stay
  Projection of Number of Rooms Needed
  Projection of Occupancy Rate
East Kalimantan Provice
  Number of Star Rated Hotels and Rooms
  Number of Guests
  Length of Stay
  Number of Room Occupied
  Occupancy Rate
  Projection of Number of Guests
  Projection of length of Stay
  Projection of Number of Rooms Needed
  Projection of Occupancy Rate
North Sulawesi Provice
  Number of Star Rated Hotels and Rooms
  Number of Guests
  Length of Stay
  Number of Room Occupied
  Occupancy Rate
  Projection of Number of Guests
  Projection of length of Stay
  Projection of Number of Rooms Needed
  Projection of Occupancy Rate
Central Sulawesi Provice
  Number of Star Rated Hotels and Rooms
  Number of Guests
  Length of Stay
  Number of Room Occupied
  Occupancy Rate
  Projection of Number of Guests
  Projection of length of Stay
  Projection of Number of Rooms Needed
  Projection of Occupancy Rate
Lampung Provice
  Number of Star Rated Hotels and Rooms
  Number of Guests
  Length of Stay
  Number of Room Occupied
  Occupancy Rate
  Projection of Number of Guests
  Projection of length of Stay
  Projection of Number of Rooms Needed
  Projection of Occupancy Rate


License to Build Hotel
Hotel Business License
Hotel Management
Hotel Organization
Functions of Hotel Organization
Organization of Hotels Adopting One Board System
and Two Board System of Management
Hotel Organizational Structure
  - The Small Hotel Organization Chart (26-99Guest Rooms)
  - The Medium Hotel Organization Chart (100-299Guest Rooms)
  - The Large Hotel Organization Chart (300Rooms-Up)
  - Human Resources Department Organization Chart
  - Engineering & Maintenance Organization Chart
  - Marketing Department Organization Chart
  - Front Office Department Organization Chart
  - Housekeeping Department Organization Chart
  - Food & Beverage Department Organization Chart
  - Kitchen Department Organization Chart
  - Restaurant Organization Chart (Classical & American System)
  - Accounting Department Organization Chart
  - Laundry Organization Chart
  - Security Department Organization Chart
Division of Department
  - Division of Department by Functions of Income and Without Income
  - Division of Department by Size of Functions of Task Force and Role
  - Parts /Divisions of Non Department
Functions and Role of Each Department
Major Department
  - Middle Lower Department
  - Non Department Managerial Levels
Divisions of position
  - Top Managerial Level
  - Middle Managerial Level
  - Lower Managerial Level
Project Being Planned
Investment in One-Star Hotel
  Sources of Funds
  Working Capital Needed
  Calculation of Bank Interest During Construction(IDC)
  Repayment of Bank Loans and Payment Of Interest
  Projection of Revenues
    - Revenues in Room Rent
    - Revenues in Food & Beverage
    - Minor Operated Revenues
  Operating Costs
    - Room Cost
    - Food & Beverage cost
    - Minor Operated Cost
    - Salaries of Employees
    - Promotional & Entertainment Costs
    - Administration and General Costs
    - Depreciation
  Financial Projection
    - Projection of Profit/Loss
    - Projection of Cash Flow
    - Projection of Balance Sheet
  Feasibility of Investment
    - Return on Investment (ROI)
    - Return on Equity (ROE)
    - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    - Net Present Value (NPV)
    - Break Even Point (BEP)
    - Pay back Period
Investment in Two-Star Hotel
  Sources of Funds
  Working Capital Needed
  Calculation of Bank Interest During Construction(IDC)
  Repayment of Bank Loans and Payment Of Interest
  Projection of Revenues
    - Revenues in Room Rent
    - Revenues in Food & Beverage
    - Minor Operated Revenues
  Operating Costs
    - Room Cost
    - Food & Beverage cost
    - Minor Operated Cost
    - Salaries of Employees
    - Promotional & Entertainment Costs
    - Administration and General Costs
    - Depreciation
  Financial Projection
    - Projection of Profit/Loss
    - Projection of Cash Flow
    - Projection of Balance Sheet
  Feasibility of Investment
    - Return on Investment (ROI)
    - Return on Equity (ROE)
    - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    - Net Present Value (NPV)
    - Break Even Point (BEP)
    - Pay back Period
Investment in Three-Star Hotel
  Sources of Funds
  Working Capital Needed
  Calculation of Bank Interest During Construction(IDC)
  Repayment of Bank Loans and Payment Of Interest
  Projection of Revenues
    - Revenues in Room Rent
    - Revenues in Food & Beverage
    - Minor Operated Revenues
  Operating Costs
    - Room Cost
    - Food & Beverage cost
    - Minor Operated Cost
    - Salaries of Employees
    - Promotional & Entertainment Costs
    - Administration and General Costs
    - Depreciation
  Financial Projection
    - Projection of Profit/Loss
    - Projection of Cash Flow
    - Projection of Balance Sheet
  Feasibility of Investment
    - Return on Investment (ROI)
    - Return on Equity (ROE)
    - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    - Net Present Value (NPV)
    - Break Even Point (BEP)
    - Pay back Period
Investment in Four-Star Hotel
  Sources of Funds
  Working Capital Needed
  Calculation of Bank Interest During Construction(IDC)
  Repayment of Bank Loans and Payment Of Interest
  Projection of Revenues
    - Revenues in Room Rent
    - Revenues in Food & Beverage
    - Minor Operated Revenues
  Operating Costs
    - Room Cost
    - Food & Beverage cost
    - Minor Operated Cost
    - Salaries of Employees
    - Promotional & Entertainment Costs
    - Administration and General Costs
    - Depreciation
  Financial Projection
    - Projection of Profit/Loss
    - Projection of Cash Flow
    - Projection of Balance Sheet
  Feasibility of Investment
    - Return on Investment (ROI)
    - Return on Equity (ROE)
    - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    - Net Present Value (NPV)
    - Break Even Point (BEP)
    - Pay back Period
Investment in Five Star Hotel
  Sources of Funds
  Working Capital Needed
  Calculation of Bank Interest During Construction(IDC)
  Repayment of Bank Loans and Payment Of Interest
  Projection of Revenues
    - Revenues in Room Rent
    - Revenues in Food & Beverage
    - Minor Operated Revenues
  Operating Costs
    - Room Cost
    - Food & Beverage cost
    - Minor Operated Cost
    - Salaries of Employees
    - Promotional & Entertainment Costs
    - Administration and General Costs
    - Depreciation
  Financial Projection
    - Projection of Profit/Loss
    - Projection of Cash Flow
    - Projection of Balance Sheet
  Feasibility of Investment
    - Return on Investment (ROI)
    - Return on Equity (ROE)
    - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
    - Net Present Value (NPV)
    - Break Even Point (BEP)
    - Pay back Period
Summary of Results of Analysis

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